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Answer the following 11 questions to better understand your in-game behaviours.
There is no right or wrong answer, pick the one that you agree more!
Q1: How did you spend COINs?
50 %
50 %
Q2: What does QUALITY of MATERIAL represent in real life?
50 %
50 %
Q3: What do you think is the main cause of DEPLETION?
50 %
50 %
Q4: How did you play FAVOURs?
50 %
50 %
Q5: How did you treat FAVOURs that are played on you?
50 %
50 %
Q6: How did you determine which ACTIVITY to complete?
50 %
50 %
Q7: Which ending would you prefer more?
50 %
50 %
Q8: Is having more COINs better?
50 %
50 %
Q9: Which strategy is more effective in gaining HAPPINESS?
50 %
50 %
Q10: You chose WORK, BUY, or CONSUME every turn.
What do you think "turn" represents in the real-world?
50 %
50 %
Q11: What have changed in player behaviours when DEPLETION
is approaching?
50 %
50 %
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